Why Is SEO Necessary for Crypto Projects?

Why Is SEO Necessary for Crypto Projects?

Cryptocurrencies are extremely popular now. New crypto businesses constantly appear, which makes it a very competitive environment. To succeed, your crypto project needs not only a good idea but also a well-developed marketing strategy that will help it stand out from the rest. And a key part of any marketing strategy is SEO.

SEO is necessary for crypto projects because it helps you improve your visibility on search engines and attract more organic traffic to your website. It’s a long-term and sustainable marketing strategy that will help you grow your business in the long run.

*More about SEO at the start of crypto project development

What Is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher your website ranks, the more likely people are to find it.

SEO is a complex and ever-changing field. However, there are some essential basics that all website owners need to know. Here are a few of the most important things to keep in mind when optimizing your website for SEO:

  1. Keywords are important;
  2. Content must be high-quality and relevant;
  3. Links are important;
  4. Your website must be mobile-friendly;
  5. You need to track your progress.

If you want your crypto project to succeed, you need to make sure that it is well-optimized for SEO, which will make it attractive not only for search engines but for people, too.

How Does SEO Affect the Success of Crypto and Blockchain Projects?

Just like with any other business, the success of a crypto or blockchain project depends on its ability to attract users. And to attract users, your project needs to be visible.

Search engine optimization can help you achieve this visibility. By optimizing your website for SEO, you can make it easier for people to find your project when they search for keywords related to your business.

In addition, SEO can also help you build credibility and trustworthiness. Search engines tend to rank websites that are well-optimized higher than those that are not. This means that if your website is well-optimized, people will perceive it as being more credible and trustworthy.

Lastly, SEO can also help you generate leads. If people can find your website easily, they are more likely to visit it and learn more about your project. This can eventually lead to them becoming interested in your project and investing in it.

How Fast Does a Crypto Website Grow in Search Results?

How Fast Does a Crypto Website Grow in Search Results_

This is difficult to answer due to the ever-changing algorithms of search engines. However, if you follow best practices for SEO and continuously work on optimizing your website, you should see results over several months.

SEO is a long-term marketing strategy, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect to see results overnight. Instead, focus on steadily improving your website’s SEO over time, and you will eventually see the results you want.

If you need help getting started with SEO for your crypto website, contact a professional SEO company. Experts in the field can help you create an effective SEO strategy and implement it on your website.

Overall, SEO should provide results within a 6- to 12-month period. We’re talking about measurable increases in traffic and leads or conversions, not about subjective impressions. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you have a brand-new website, it’s unlikely that you’ll see results as quickly as a website that’s been around for a few years.

It’s also essential to keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process. You can’t just optimize your website once and then forget about it. Search engines are constantly changing, which means that you need to continuously work on the quality of your platform.

*More about SEO expectations

What Is SEO Based on for a Crypto Website or Blockchain Project?

The basis of SEO is to make your website as visible and accessible as possible. To do this, you need to use the right keywords and phrases, have high-quality content, and build links. These are just several basic steps.

It is essential to understand that all businesses are unique and to achieve the best results, it is essential to have a unique strategy. Let’s have a look at the steps that any effective SEO strategy should involve.

Collection of key queries to determine search demand

Collection of key queries to determine search demand

The key to a crypto ad and consumer development is keyword research. It’s the first step in understanding how your potential customers are looking for you online, and it’s what allows us to connect them with your project.

It all starts with a list of seed keywords that we then use various tools to expand. We investigate not only direct traffic but also related searches, misspellings, and other keyword variations that we think might be relevant to your project. From there, we use a mix of art and science to prioritize the list and determine which keywords are most important to your business. This is an ongoing process that should be revisited regularly as your business grows and changes.

As a whole, two types of keywords should be determined. The first one is focus keywords — they are the main keywords that should be included in title tags, meta descriptions, and throughout the website’s copy. The second one is related keywords — they are the phrases and words that are semantically related to focus keywords and used to elaborate on the topic.

Development of a tree-like information structure of a crypto project

Development of a tree-like information structure of a crypto project

The next step is to develop a tree-like structure of information for a website. It will help to determine what pages should be created and how they should be interconnected. This step is critical because it will help to make the website more user-friendly and improve its overall quality.

To develop a tree-like structure of information, you need to start with the main topic of your website and then create subtopics. Each subtopic should be related to the main topic and provide additional information. For example, if the main topic of your website is a cryptocurrency, then the subtopics can be Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.

The tree-like structure of information will help you to determine what pages should be created and how they should be interconnected. It is crucial to remember that each page should have a unique title and meta description.

Creating content based on keywords

Creating content based on keywords

The next step is to create quality content for your website. It should be informative, well-written, and relevant to your target audience. To do this, you need to base it on the group of keywords that you have developed previously.

The content should be divided into different sections, each of which should cover a different subtopic. For example, if you have a section on Bitcoin, then it should cover the history of Bitcoin, how it works, and its advantages. It is important to remember that the content should be updated regularly. This will help to keep your website relevant and improve its overall quality.

Technical optimization of the cryptocurrency project

Technical optimization of the cryptocurrency project

The next step is to optimize your website for the search engines. This can be done by improving the website’s code, making sure that all the pages are interlinked, and adding alt tags to the images. These are just several basic steps.

It is essential to remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and you need to regularly monitor your website’s performance. This will help to ensure that your website is always visible to the search engines and that it attracts the right kind of traffic.

Formation and development of a link profile

Formation and development of a link profile

To improve your website’s ranking, you need to create a link profile. This can be done by creating high-quality content and then submitting it to the relevant directories and websites. You can also create social media profiles and post links to your website.

It is critical to remember that the quality of the links is more important than the quantity. You should also focus on getting links from websites that are relevant to your niche.

Crypto project analytics for continuous improvement of results

Crypto project analytics for continuous improvement of results

Monitoring and analyzing the results of your website is significant to determine what changes need to be made. You can use different tools, such as Google Analytics, to track the performance of your website.

You should also keep an eye on the latest trends in the cryptocurrency industry. This will help you to make changes to your website to stay relevant. Update your content constantly and make sure that your website is easy to use. It is also essential to pay attention to search engine updates and make changes accordingly.

Creation and development of a community around your cryptocurrency project

Finally, you need to create a community around your website. This can be done by adding a forum or blog to your website. You can also create social media profiles and post links to your website. Remember that it is necessary to constantly update your blog so that readers would find it helpful or useful visiting it.

It is essential to remember that the community should be active and engaged. This will help to improve the quality of your website and attract more visitors. Provide the readers with interesting information, ask questions, and support the dialogue. This will help to create a strong community that will be loyal to your website.

Common SEO Mistakes

Common SEO Mistakes

There are several common mistakes that people make when optimizing their website for the search engines:

  1. One of the most common mistakes is to forget about the importance of quality content. The content should be well-written, informative, and relevant to your target audience.
  2. Another mistake is to focus on the wrong keywords. You should choose keywords that are relevant to your niche and that have a high search volume.
  3. Another common mistake is to try to cheat the system. This can be done by using black hat SEO techniques, such as link farms and keyword stuffing. These techniques can get your website banned from search engines.

Let’s have a look at several common mistakes and analyze them.

Duplicate content

One of the most common SEO mistakes is to have duplicate content on your website. This can happen if you have pages with similar or identical content. Duplicate content can be a problem because it can confuse the search engines, and they may not be able to index your website properly.

To avoid this difficulty, you need to make sure that all the content on your website is unique. You can use different tools, such as Copyscape, to check for duplicate content. It is also helpful to have a tree-like structure for the website content. Following it will help you avoid publishing any unnecessary articles.

Keyword cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is another common SEO mistake. It happens when you use the same keyword on different pages of your website. This can be a problem because the search engines might now understand the main topic of the page and fail to index your website, which will definitely influence the number of visits.

To avoid this difficulty, you need to choose different keywords for different pages. You can use different keyword research tools, such as Google Ads Keyword Tool, to find the right keywords. However, it might be more effective to choose paid services like SEMrush and Ahrefs which also have numerous useful additional functions.

We recommend that you first collect the semantic core and find out what groups of queries you got and what pages they lead to. Remember – one group of keywords equals one page with its own information request.

Optimization of ranking zones

One of the most common mistakes is not focusing running zones. Ranking zones are individual parts of a page, upon analyzing which, the search engine evaluates the relevance of the entire page. These areas include:

  • URL. Namely, the occurrence of the key request in the link.
  • Title. The title of the page and its optimization using key queries.
  • Content Zone. The basis of the content, which can include SEO text, product/service description, etc. It is important to correctly use the headings h1-h6 and follow the recommendations related to the structure of the text, the use of formatting tags <a>/<l>/<strong>/<b>/<am>, and so on.
  • Anchor zone. The presence of linking on the page. Special attention should be paid to the names of anchors and the need in linking certain pages.
  • ALT zone. This includes the optimization of Alt and Title of images.

The quality of the entire page depends on the optimization of each ranking zone. And the more such pages there are on the site, the more relevant the entire domain will be.

The low loading speed of your cryptocurrency website

The loading speed of your website is also an important ranking factor. If your website takes too long to load, the search engines will be less likely to index it and your visitors will be less likely to stay on your website.

To improve the loading speed of your website, you need to optimize your images, minify your CSS and JavaScript files, and use a content delivery network. Moreover, it is essential to constantly check the code for any possible mistakes.

You should also monitor the Core Web Vitals indicators, such as:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint – download rate.
  2. First Input Delay (FID) – an indicator of interactivity.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – an indicator of visual stability.

It is better to analyze these three parameters in a separate article but we recommend paying special attention to their optimization.

Internal linking

Internal linking is another critical ranking factor. If you want your website to rank high in the search engines, you need to make sure that your pages are internally linked. This can be done by adding links to your pages in the navigation menu and in the body of your articles.

Even though, many site owners often don’t include it in their website development strategies. At the same time, you need to be careful not to overdo it with the internal links, as this can be considered spam by the search engines.

Pages with errors

If your website has pages with errors, such as 404 ones, the search engines will be less likely to index them. This can seriously affect your website’s ranking.

To avoid this problem, you need to check your website for any broken links and fix them as soon as possible. You can use different tools, such as Google Webmaster Tools, to find the broken links. The drawback of this process is that it takes a lot of time, especially if your website is old and has hundreds of pages.

Incorrect structured data

If you want your website to rank high in the search engines, you need to make sure that all the information on your website is correctly structured. This can be done by using the right tags and markup.

For example, if you have an online store, you need to use the right tags to mark up the products. This will help the search engines to understand the products on your website and index them correctly. Moreover, you need to constantly check for any errors in the structured data. This can be done by using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

Avoid blogging

This is another common mistake of website owners. They often forget about creating a blog and focus only on the website. As a result, they miss out on a great opportunity to attract more visitors to their website.

To avoid this problem, you need to create a blog and regularly update it with fresh and relevant content. This will help you to attract more visitors to your website and improve your website’s ranking. You can post any type of articles there: entertaining, informational, news, and so on.

In Conclusion

Focusing on cryptocurrency SEO strategies like keyword research, link building, content publishing, and analytics will bring in more sales, and establish you as an authority in your industry. When combined, these techniques will result in a powerful and highly effective SEO strategy that can be used to improve the ranking of your cryptocurrency website.

There are many ranking factors that you need to take into account if you want your website to rank high in the search engines. However, these are the most important ones. If you focus on the mentioned ranking factors, you will be well on your way to achieving a high ranking for your website.

Dmytro Gorbenko

Dmytro is the owner of the Crypto SEO product. After more than 5 years of work in this niche, I realized that SEO has long ceased to be an ordinary marketing tool.