Why SEO Audit Is Important for Your Website

Why SEO Audit Is Important for Your Website

The cryptocurrency industry has seen rapid growth over the past decade, with numerous businesses entering the stage to meet the growing demand. With the industry being predominantly digital, these businesses face the challenge of building a strong online presence and visibility in order to reach their audience. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is what makes sure potential customers can easily find a business in the search engine results pages. For crypto websites, it is an essential part of digital marketing, and an SEO audit is the best way to start the SEO journey and evaluate a website’s performance.

What Is an SEO Audit?

SEO is a complex process that usually consists of several stages. For most specialists, the first step in any strategy is a comprehensive SEO audit – the process of analyzing your website’s performance in search engines, taking into account different metrics and factors. In general, SEO audits for crypto websites include the following: 

  • Technical audit;
  • Internal linking audit;
  • Content audit;
  • Site structure audit;
  • Link audit.

These analyses allow you to identify the weak points of your site and build a tailored SEO strategy that will target them. CryptoSEO can conduct a detailed analysis of your crypto website and find non-obvious issues specific to this niche within the SEO Audit service.

The Significance of SEO for Crypto Websites

When someone enters a search query into a search bar, the search engine examines various ranking signals across different websites to decide if a website should be shown in response to that query. SEO’s main goal is to make sure the algorithms are able to analyze your website and rank it higher, making it more visible to the user. 

In the cryptocurrency industry, a high ranking in the search results is the winning ticket to getting people’s attention. However, it’s difficult to achieve due to extremely strong competition.

The Competitive Landscape of the Cryptocurrency Market

Since this niche is almost entirely web-based, companies must have high-quality, well-developed websites and constantly improve them. Thus, the crypto market is known for its robust platforms and websites, be it crypto exchanges, wallets, or casinos. 

To stand out among such strong players, a crypto website has to invest heavily in SEO. Let’s take a look at some of the top performers in the industry:

Binance metrics in AhrefsCoingecko metrics in AhrefsTrustwallet metrics in AhrefsMetamask's metrics in AhrefsBitcasino metrics in Ahrefs

These are all well-established brands in the crypto market, and their SEO metrics show how seriously they take search engine optimization. Such strong competitors can be a source of inspiration and practical knowledge to borrow. While competitor analysis is key to helping you understand in which direction you should move, an SEO audit is crucial for determining where you start.

How SEO Audit Can Help To Your Wbsite

You can only create a successful SEO strategy if you do a comprehensive analysis first. Here are the main aspects that make SEO auditing a must for crypto websites.

Identify Weak Points

An important aspect of an SEO audit is identifying weaknesses in a website’s SEO strategy. These weaknesses can take various forms, such as poor keyword optimization, ineffective meta tags, slow page load times, and broken links.

Finding these problems allows you to take targeted measures to correct them. This will not only increase the site’s search engine ranking but also improve the overall user experience, leading to increased user engagement and conversion.

Be Updated With SEO Trends

Crypto SEO is an especially complex process because it depends on the constant changes and updates in both the cryptocurrency niche and the SEO industry. SEO audits can help you check if your website stays up to date with the latest trends.

In this industry, a website’s content can quickly lose its relevance. Assessing it regularly and adjusting your content marketing strategy accordingly is key for keeping up with the evolution of crypto-related terms and concepts. 

Besides, search engine algorithms are constantly changing; for example, Google Core Updates are introduced several times a year. It’s crucial to not only be aware of these changes but also make sure your site meets new requirements.

Improve User Experience

Although many view search engine visibility as the main goal of SEO, its tactics also lead to improved user experience. This is not just an additional benefit of the optimization process: Google’s algorithm takes into account several factors of your site’s performance that are directly linked to user experience. The search engine prioritizes websites that provide a good UX.

An SEO audit can help you identify UX issues such as slow-loading pages, confusing navigation, or non-responsive design. For instance, Google’s Core Web Vitals report will help you determine issues with page speed, delays, interactions, and page layout. In addition, other user behavior metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, or session duration are important insights that show whether your pages and their content satisfy your visitors.

Enhance Mobile Optimization

Search engines consider mobile-friendliness as one of their ranking factors since more than 55% of internet traffic comes from people using mobile devices. In the cryptocurrency industry, we can expect this number to be even higher due to the general tech-savvy nature of the niche. 

Proper mobile optimization improves the accessibility of your website and helps you retain mobile users. Thus, a good SEO audit includes the assessment of your website’s performance on different devices.

Detect and Rectify Technical issues

Your website’s technical SEO is the basis of the overall website performance. Technical SEO issues can influence user experience, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, indexability, and more. They can happen with any website, especially as it grows, gaining more visitors and content. Regular SEO audits are necessary to keep such problems at bay and fix them before they can hamper your SEO rankings.

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The Direct Impact on SEO Metrics

As shown in the examples above, good SEO leads to an increase in several quality metrics that influence the online visibility of a business. Let’s take a look at how optimization can improve key indicators of your crypto business’s performance.

Increase in Organic Traffic

Organic traffic volume is closely connected to your website’s performance on search engines. Most SEO practices are aimed at making your website rank higher for relevant keywords in SERPs; this increases the chance that users will notice your pages and visit them. For example, the improved user experience that comes from your technical SEO efforts helps position your pages higher by showing search engines that your website is of high quality.

However, SEO also helps you improve content quality and relevance, which naturally attracts visitors and helps you build authority and trust. This can lead to relevant backlinks that will bring additional website traffic and visitors who are actually interested in your services or products.

In one of our projects, we helped a crypto website achieve a considerable increase in organic traffic through a comprehensive SEO strategy. Over nine months, the traffic volume grew from 89,340 to 543,082 users:

Total traffic beforeTotal traffic after

Conversion Rate Optimization

Although conversion rate optimization is often viewed as a distinct process, it can be achieved through SEO, too. By ensuring the use of relevant keywords, SEO draws more targeted traffic to your website, helping it reach the right audience and satisfy the intent behind the given search query. Besides, content improvements and enhanced page structure achieved in the process can help lead visitors to take the necessary action.

In addition, efficient internal linking can help potential customers navigate your website and find your products. For example, placing links to useful articles or to your other products on a landing page can motivate visitors to explore your site and perform an action, whether that’s subscribing to a newsletter on your crypto blog or creating an account on an exchange platform.

Boost Brand Credibility

Providing reliable information is one of the best ways of growing your brand credibility. When users find your content valuable, they’re more likely to trust your brand and take desired actions. Thus, SEO emphasizes the importance of producing high-quality, relevant content.

Crypto websites face the challenge of creating authoritative content that will stay relevant. Considering the rapid changes in the industry, even high-quality, useful content can quickly lose its relevance. SEO helps keep your content well-optimized and up-to-date, and performing a regular SEO audit helps you keep track of the performance of your pages and update them in time.

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How to Perform an SEO Audit for Your Website

Whether you want to do your own SEO audit or you are working with an agency, make sure the assessment covers the following aspects:

Analyze On-Page Elements

Assessing on-page elements is a must for any SEO audit. A huge part of this is content evaluation, which should not only focus on its quality but also on uniqueness and keyword usage. 

Summary of CryptSeo's Content Analysis

Our Content Audit Summary

It’s important to check if your content has not been stolen by other websites, make sure that you haven’t overspammed it with keywords, and analyze your site for duplicate content. Keyword stuffing can hinder your on-page SEO efforts, so keywords should be used naturally on your pages.

Other factors to check include:

  • Meta tags and meta descriptions;
  • Page titles and structured data;
  • Content relevance and EEAT factors.

Off-Page Analysis

Off-page SEO audit helps you analyze your backlink profile, social signals, and unlinked mentions. In this process, it is especially important to focus on backlinks – they are proven ranking signals and their quality is key for building authority in the eyes of search engines.

Summary of CryptoSeo's backlink audit

Our Backlink Audit Summary

SEO tools usually provide you with special metrics for analyzing the quality of your external links. Monitor these indicators regularly to make sure your backlink profile does not contain spam and trash links – backlinks from low-quality, irrelevant web pages that pass negative signals to your website.

In the crypto industry, it’s not uncommon for websites to perform negative SEO attacks on their competitors, which can include spamming them with low-quality links. An in-depth audit and regular backlink monitoring are crucial for detecting and solving such issues. You can learn more about backlink management for crypto websites in our blog. 

Technical SEO Analysis

A comprehensive analysis is impossible without a technical SEO audit. When analyzing the technical side of your website, use Google Analytics, paying special attention to the Core Web Vitals section. Besides, your SEO audit checklist should include the assessment of the XML sitemap, internal links, URL structure, duplicate pages, broken links, and URL redirects.

Lastly, check if you need to optimize the mobile responsiveness to meet Google’s mobile-first indexing requirements. When analyzing mobile optimization, look at traffic statistics from different devices and the responsiveness of your design.

Note that SEO professionals may include different elements in the technical analysis process. This can depend on the nature of your business and the performance of your competitors’ websites.

Tools and Resources

The SEO audit process is done with the help of special SEO tools. Here are the main resources that can be used as SEO audit tools:

  • Google Search Console: This is the basic SEO audit tool that can be used by specialists of all levels and budgets. It’s a free source that checks pages indexed by Google and provides analytics on your keyword performance, crawlability issues, and more.
  • Ahrefs: This comprehensive platform offers backlink analysis, keyword research, competitor analysis, and more. Its site audit feature can crawl your website to detect issues in on-page SEO, performance, and external linking.
  • Screaming Frog: This tool crawls website links, images, scripts, apps, and more to evaluate on-site optimization. It’s particularly useful for identifying broken links, duplicate content, and issues with titles or meta descriptions.
  • SEMrush: An all-in-one marketing toolkit, SEMrush provides solutions for SEO, paid traffic, content, PR, and social media. Its site audit tool helps identify on-site issues, from meta description problems to broken links and more.

In addition to these options, Moz Pro and Ubersuggest provide great general SEO solutions. Specialized tools can be chosen for more specific tasks; for example, LinkChecker is a great choice for backlink management.


SEO audits are an integral part of any website optimization strategy. Analyzing your website allows you to identify opportunities for growth, find and prevent issues, track progress, prioritize tasks, and adjust your strategy according to the changes in the ever-evolving crypto landscape. Implement regular checks into your optimization processes to stay ahead of the competition and provide the best experience for your visitors.

Dmytro Gorbenko

Dmytro is the owner of the Crypto SEO product. After more than 5 years of work in this niche, I realized that SEO has long ceased to be an ordinary marketing tool.